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Hollywood Smile Turkey

Hollywood Smile ; It is known as the tooth design that people constantly admire in series, movies and shows. Hollywood Smile is actually the tooth and smile design of the stars on the screen. Individuals who are not satisfied with their smile and tooth design can now have this smile with the Aesthetic Teeth design.

Hollywood Smile Turkey

Based in Istanbul, Turkey Dental World brings you perfect smiles. After planning the inspection and design, our operations begin after you give your approval. We offer hotel and airport transfer services to our patients who will come from abroad to our clinic, which is centrally located in Istanbul.

Hollywood Smile s in Turkey

Many of our patients from abroad can take a smile design between 1 and 4 days at an affordable cost and take the service of holiday and dental aesthetics together. We provide contracted hotels and transfer services by preferring them. While planning the beauties of Istanbul, we are planning their appointments without compressing the daytime schedules.

Our Applications in Smile Design
Dental Implants: Your missing teeth; We complete it seamlessly and without bleeding with the Implant technique in 1 day.

Lengthening Teeth Length: Anterior Teeth is the aesthetics of the teeth. If you also have a request for anterior tooth lengthening, our physician offers you the most suitable design in accordance with your demands after the examination.

Golden Ratio: We make your design perfect by making proportional calculations considering your facial structure.

Porcelain: You can choose tooth coating as Laminate or Zirconium. We inform you in detail in this regard.

As complements of your dental aesthetics, you can access many services such as Lip Filling, Eyebrow design, Hair transplantation and nose aesthetics in contracted clinics and hospitals through us. You will be able to enjoy Istanbul while making all your planning for you.

For Information and Appointment Please We can get fast support from our phone line or WhatsApp and plan your holiday program that will suit you.