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Laminate and Zirconium Crowns

Laminate and Zirconium Crowns

Laminate and Zirconium Crowns : It is a very thin porcelain that is sticked on the patient’s teeth. Although these porcelains are very thin, they are extremely durable when adhered to the tooth surface.

Porcelain Laminates are the most preferred application.

At the first appointment, our dentist takes measurements of the patient’s teeth and takes pictures. You will be informed about the latest status. The patient’s gums are examined. When an operation is to be performed on the gums, for example, if the teeth are exposed a lot while smiling, the process of shortening the gums, called gingivectomy, is performed. After waiting a few days for the procedure and the gums take their final shape, a very small amount of abrasion is done to make room for the porcelain lamina on the front of the teeth. The measurements taken in the computer environment with a digital scanner are designed in the computer environment or the measurements taken with traditional methods are delivered to the laboratory and in the second session, the treatment of placing the laminae in the mouth is applied.

The advantages of porcelain laminates are that they have a very natural and aesthetic appearance. No one understands the porcelain application, except the person receiving the treatment. Only the front part of the teeth is cut. Since the part of the teeth facing the tongue is the real tooth part, the tongue does not feel any difference.

Laminate and Zirconium Crowns

Zirconium Crown; What is Zirconium?


Zirconium smart ceramics provide bio compatibility and natural appearance with our body. Zirconium oxide, which is a high-tech product and has proven its durability as a heat shield in space shuttles and brake disc in sports cars, is now used by dentists. This technological ceramic, developed for dentistry with the application of zirconium smart ceramics, has a great contribution to prosthetic treatment.

We said that one of the best choices for an aesthetic and impressive smile design is zirconium. Of course, the only difference of this coating method is not that it is more aesthetic. It also has many health benefits. We can list its advantages over other coating treatments as follows:

It is a coating method with aesthetics very close to nature.
You can use it safely for many years.
Since it does not contain any metal elements, patients who are allergic to metal can use it comfortably. It is biocompatible.
Zirconium material is strong and durable. It is resistant to high pressure.
It is comfortable because it is produced in accordance with the patient’s mouth and jaw structure with three-dimensional technology.
It is often preferred in smile design. Provides similar strength to metal-reinforced coatings in bridge restorations.



PORCELAIN TOOTH PRICES 2021 ; Patients who are investigating the cost of having porcelain teeth; They are people who have lost their teeth due to various reasons or who want to have restorations made of different products on them for aesthetic purposes.

Patients who are investigating the cost of having porcelain teeth; They are people who have lost their teeth due to various reasons or who want to have restorations made of different products on them for aesthetic purposes. The procedures they make in line with these requests are called porcelain teeth. Including the same logic as the word meaning makes it easier to comprehend. In cases where the loss of material due to bruise or trauma cannot be repaired with filling, it provides healthy smiles on your face. Replacement of teeth to gain an aesthetic appearance, replacement of lost teeth or covering teeth for placeholder support is an important form of treatment.PORCELAIN TOOTH PRICES 2021

Porcelain Tooth

Porcelain tooth is the name of the procedures applied to your teeth that have been lost or lost their function for any reason. Thanks to the treatment, the patient has both healthy-looking teeth and an aesthetic smile. Getting this satisfaction completely leads to the formation of self-confidence in patients. Porcelain tooth price is an important factor in obtaining the service. Satisfaction with the price element determined at the beginning between the doctor and the patient, who is effective in the comfortable passing of the treatment process, is facilitated for both parties.

How is Porcelain Tooth Made?

There are some elements that are considered important in porcelain tooth making. First of all, you should meet with your dentist and measure the places or places where porcelain teeth will be made. According to the measurements made, porcelain tooth preparation is made for the cavity to be inserted. Before your porcelain tooth is attached, going to your doctor to check the measurement a few times will get the most accurate result. After the measurements are made completely and completely, it is prepared to move on to the last step, if appropriate, the porcelain tooth is attached and the treatment is completed. Even if the porcelain tooth is implanted, you should not leave the dentist’s visits. Porcelain teeth, which are thought to have a lifespan of approximately 10 years, can only be reached by checking frequently and providing appropriate maintenance conditions.PORCELAIN TOOTH PRICES 2021

Porcelain Tooth Making

The combination of more than one metal with other non-metal elements occurs as a result of processing at high temperatures. After processing, porcelain, which is an inorganic material, is produced as a result of sintering. This substance is of great importance in tooth coatings. Using a one-to-one blend ratio with natural tooth enamel creates healthy smiles. Patients who want to have a treatment that has attained the same light transmittance and naturalness also do the porcelain tooth price research. It is natural for the products used over the price to experience changes due to the top quality standards.


Dental Implants

Diş implantları ; Günümüzde diş implantları muhtemelen doğal dişlere en iyi alternatiftir. Geleneksel köprü ve protezlere göre daha iyi konuşma ve çiğneme işlevi sağlarken aynı zamanda yüzünüze doğal bir görünüm kazandırır.

Günümüzde implantın 21. yüzyılda en çok çalışılan diş tedavisi şekli olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Doğru teşhis, yeterli bilgi, tecrübe ve ekipmanla uygulandığında diş implantı, hasta ve hekim için başarılı sonuçlar verebilecek bir tedavi şeklidir.

What is implant (tooth implantation)?
In short, an implant is an artificial tooth root placed in the jawbone and made of suitable material in order to restore the function and aesthetics of missing teeth.

Are there types of implants?
Yes. Different implant types have been produced after serial use. However, the most popular implant type today is the ‘screw’ shaped ones.

Is treatment with implants safe and long-lasting?
Studies to create a safe and high quality implant have been going on since 1809. Today, there are very close to perfection implants with 35 years of clinical follow-up, as well as relatively new implant brands on the market. Your dentist will give you more detailed information on this subject.

Can implants be used in every event?
If there is a single tooth or more than one tooth missing, if there is enough bone for implant placement, the implant can be used.

Can each patient be implanted?
Implant screws are structures that have a specific thickness and width. For this reason, in the area where the implant is to be placed, the jawbone must have a height and width to accept this implant screw. The quality of the existing bone is also one of the factors affecting implant success. In addition, the gums must be completely healthy before treatment and as long as the implant remains in the mouth. As long as the general health of the patient is good, there is no upper age limit to prevent implant application, but it may not be preferred to apply to very young patients whose bone development is not completed.

Will I feel pain when placing the implant?
No, if appropriate anesthesia methods are applied. During the operation, general or local anesthesia can be used according to the patient’s preference. Generally, the pain that can be felt in the evening when the implant is placed can be relieved with simple painkillers. Many patients state that this pain is not different from the pain felt after a normal tooth extraction. In cases where the treatment is completed without any problems, you will be comfortable enough not to even feel the presence of implants.

Can my prostheses be fitted immediately after implants are placed?
No. The loads on the implant should be minimized during the first 3-6 months, which is the healing period, in order to ensure the complete integration of the implants with the bone (osteointegration). However, your doctor will minimize the function problem by making a temporary prosthesis suitable for you during this recovery period.

I want to have an implant, how long is the total treatment time?
Implant operations are now possible to be performed in just half an hour. The total time varies according to the operation type determined according to your tooth and bone structure. In general, the procedure is completed in the 3rd month after the first operation.

Is the cleaning of the implants important?
Yes. Cleaning of implants is very important. Considering that implants are foreign objects in the mouth, you will appreciate that their cleaning is at least as important as your own teeth, or even more. Although the cleaning of the implants requires a certain learning process, it is not difficult. However, you must allocate enough time for this job. The thing to remember is that the most important factor required for this type of treatment to be successful is regular oral care.

How is prosthesis placed on implants?
Prostheses to be made on implants can be of different types depending on the nature of the case. In other words, these can be planned in a way that they can be removed by the patient for easy cleaning or can only be removed by the dentist. Both planning have advantages and disadvantages, and your physician will explain the appropriate design for you before your treatment begins.

Can each patient be implanted?
Implant screws are structures that have a specific thickness and width. For this reason, in the area where the implant is to be placed, the jawbone must have a height and width to accept this implant screw. The quality of the existing bone is also one of the factors affecting implant success. In addition, the gums must be completely healthy before treatment and as long as the implant remains in the mouth. As long as the general health of the patient is good, there is no upper age limit to prevent implant application, but it may not be preferred to apply to very young patients whose bone development is not completed.

Will I feel pain when placing the implant?
No, if appropriate anesthesia methods are applied. During the operation, general or local anesthesia can be used according to the patient’s preference. Generally, the pain that can be felt in the evening when the implant is placed can be relieved with simple painkillers. Many patients state that this pain is not different from the pain felt after a normal tooth extraction. In cases where the treatment is completed without any problems, you will be comfortable enough not to even feel the presence of implants.

Can my prostheses be fitted immediately after implants are placed?
No. The loads on the implant should be minimized during the first 3-6 months, which is the healing period, in order to ensure the complete integration of the implants with the bone (osteointegration). However, your doctor will minimize the function problem by making a temporary prosthesis suitable for you during this recovery period.

I want to have an implant, how long is the total treatment time?
Implant operations are now possible to be performed in just half an hour. The total time varies according to the operation type determined according to your tooth and bone structure. In general, the procedure is completed in the 3rd month after the first operation.

Is the cleaning of the implants important?
Yes. Cleaning of implants is very important. Considering that implants are foreign objects in the mouth, you will appreciate that their cleaning is at least as important as your own teeth, or even more. Although the cleaning of the implants requires a certain learning process, it is not difficult. However, you must allocate enough time for this job. The thing to remember is that the most important factor required for this type of treatment to be successful is regular oral care.

How is prosthesis placed on implants?
Prostheses to be made on implants can be of different types depending on the nature of the case. In other words, these can be planned in a way that they can be removed by the patient for easy cleaning or can only be removed by the dentist. Both planning have advantages and disadvantages, and your physician will explain the appropriate design for you before your treatment begins.

What advantages does implant treatment offer in which cases?
Patients who completely lose their teeth in the lower jaw and carry a prosthesis:
Patients complain of constant pain (pounding) due to the movement of the prosthesis and not being able to chew well. This complaint increases with the melting of the bone tissue that supports the prosthesis over time. In such patients, implant treatment eliminates all the above complaints and also stops the melting of the bone.

Patients who completely lose their teeth and wear a prosthesis in the upper jaw:
Although upper prostheses are more stable than lower jaw prostheses, the design of the prosthesis that covers the palate can reduce the sense of taste and cause nausea.

Patients who have lost some of their teeth in the lower or upper jaw:
The complaint of these patients can be counted as the ugly appearance of the prosthesis attached with hooks or the necessity of cutting their healthy teeth in order to make a bridge.

Patients who have lost a single tooth:
These patients are those who have to sacrifice at least two adjacent teeth for the restoration of a single tooth. The placement of a single implant saves neighboring teeth and causes more aesthetic and functional results.

What are the disadvantages of implant treatment?
High price
Oral cleaning process, which should be done with great care and time.
What are the advantages of implant treatment?
Chewing better, eating whatever you want
Better aesthetic appearance
A happier social life with the recovery of self-confidence
A healthier and more balanced diet based on being able to eat everything

What will be done in the implant examination?
During this examination, it is the best way to examine you by the specialist physicians who will place the implants, make the prosthesis and undertake the periodic gingival care in order to reveal whether you are a suitable patient for treatment. During this examination, you will be informed about your general health status and you may be asked to take some tests if necessary. At this stage, you may also need to obtain various x-ray examinations and models of your mouth.

Cheap Implant Treatment

Cheap Implant Treatment

Cheap Implant Treatment; Dental implants are the system we apply to our patients to regain their function, aesthetics and health in case of tooth deficiencies. Implants are solid, reliable, hygienic and tissue-like titanium screws that we place in the bone and resemble tooth roots.

Is Inexpensive Implant Treatment Safe?
The titanium material used in implant production is a metal structure that does not react with the tissue and has a very high biocompatibility. Titanium has been used in dentistry for about 50 years. The success rates of the treatments performed in a well-sterilized environment with a good planning and an experienced team are very high if they are subject to good care by the patients.

Which patients are not implanted?
The decision is made by evaluating patients with any systemic disease as a result of the consultation information they receive from their doctor.

In which cases is implant done?
It is a treatment method that can be applied to all our patients, including single teeth and all toothlessness. With a successful treatment, our patients can be used for life. In addition to fully fixed prostheses, removable prostheses can also be made for all patients with tooth deficiency. Implants may not be possible in every person; It may not be applied in some patients due to its bone length, thickness and proximity to some tissues. If patients without posterior teeth want a fixed prosthesis, this can only be possible with an implant.

How is the implant applied?
First of all, it should be examined well, panoramic film as well as dental tomography can be taken. After a planning is made, the operation begins. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Each implant takes about 10-20 minutes. During the operation, implants are placed in the bone and stitches are made. Bone grafting or sinus surgery may be required during this operation. After insertion, a waiting period of 2 months to 6 months (to fuse with the bone) is required. In some cases, upper prostheses can be installed immediately after the operation.

From London To Come To Turkey Implant Treatment

London to come to Turkey ; London’s Dental implants because it is too high compared to the cost of the UK and from other countries to Turkey, comes from a very patient with dental treatment and vacation planning.The first reason is that even if the cost of the enhanced status in Turkey according to many world countries on oral and dental health and the lack of specialist physicians in the field is preferable.

With the Implant Dental Treatment Appointment Facility from Birmingham, you can get your jaw x-ray to us by WhatsApp, E-mail or mail, and get treatment planning and cost information. You can contact us on WhatsApp for immediate information. Whatapp

No more dentures!
Full Jaw Restoration with Dental Implants and Bridges
Cheap Dental Treatment in Turkey

Since it is very suitable for our country’s citizens living abroad and abroad, it finds an opportunity to make a holiday and health trip together. You can also contact us on our WhatsApp number to get information according to your needs and get a price.

Dental Implant Treatment Process

A dental implant is a titanium screw that replaces a tooth root. It is screwed into the bone under the gum. After the implant integrates with the patient’s bone, the abutment is screwed onto the implant and the crown is screwed onto the abutment. In addition to crowns, implants can also be used to support fixed bridges, fixed dentures, or removable dentures (known as excess dentures).

Dental implants involve the following steps, although differences may occur depending on complexity.

1. Advice and information with the implant coordinator

Discuss your needs over the phone with an implant coordinator for advice and information about dental implant treatments and costs. Otherwise, meet face to face; See our facilities and discuss and get treatment options. After this invaluable introduction to dental implants, patients have a better idea of possible solutions and costs. This is only general guidance and does not replace the need for a clinical assessment.

Similar cost comparison

If you have an implant consultation and have provided a treatment plan, email us a copy and we will provide a ‘cost comparison for tastes’.

2. Dental Implant Clinical Evaluation

Oral health is evaluated in the dental implant clinical evaluation with the implant dentist. If the patient is a good candidate for implants, a dental cone beam CT (CBCT) scan is performed to assess the quality and amount of bone.

Following the consultation, a short meeting with an implant coordinator will set out the treatment costs and the appropriate times to book on your first appointment / appointments.

A cover letter from the implant dentist follows an official detailed treatment plan that includes your treatment options and costs, scheduling, warranty, risks, and post-care information.

3. Surgical Stage Dental Implant Placement

Using 3D dental bone-ray CT (CBCT) Scan images to guide the placement and determine the type of implant to be used, a titanium implant is carefully screwed into the bone under the gum and stitched using soluble sutures. Sometimes a healing cap is placed immediately, which reduces the need to do this during the restoration phase.

If deemed necessary, this stage can be continued with the removal of failed teeth and / or bone restoration where there is no bone.

4. Dental Implant Integration

Integration is the time required to safely and securely restore crowns, bridges or dentures to dental implants.

During this time, the dental implant integrates with the patient’s bone – this is called “osseointegration” and may take 1 to 3 months depending on the patient’s treatment plan.

5. Restoration

Restoration is the stage where the crown, bridge or prosthesis is created and placed on the dental implants.

This stage takes 2 to 6 appointments (depending on complexity), about two weeks between them, and includes:

To reveal a dental implant and place a healing abutment. Sometimes, this procedure is done simultaneously with implant placement.
Matching final impressions and colors against adjacent teeth
Bite registration – ensuring that the occlusion (bite) is comfortable. Not required for all occasions.
Try it – try on the new crown, bridge, or denture – then send any settings back to the lab. Not required for all occasions.
Final fit – placing the abutment and crown, bridge or denture.

6. After maintenance

Your implant treatment plan does not end when crowns are placed.

To maintain oral health and prolong the life of your implants, it is imperative to follow an improved hygiene regimen.

This means an improved home hygiene regimen by following the prescribed techniques, visiting a hygiene therapist at least every 6 months at home and evaluating implants, gums and hygiene levels annually.

London Implant Dental Prices

To get the Implant Brand and Prices updated information, our consultant who will help you by communicating via WhatsApp will inform you.

London to come to Turkey

Appointment and Inspection Made Easy

To get an appointment or get detailed information, you can get information directly from WhatsApp and create your dental holiday planning.


Implant In Full Toothless Patients

Implant In Full Toothless Patients;

Implant applications in fully edentulous patients, the treatment process after the patient’s x-ray or tomography is determined.
In complete edentulous patients, it is possible to achieve real dental chewing comfort with implant dental treatment. We apply implant brands preferred by the patient in dental implant applications.

Implant Brands and Prices are among the topics that patients who will have implants wonder and research before starting treatment.

What to Consider When Researching Implant Brands

  • First of all, you can choose your reference brands by getting information from patients who have previously received implant treatment,
  • The brands you reference are suitable for your budget,
  • Patented and highly known,
  • Has a lifetime warranty,
  • Be suitable for application by the physician who will perform the application,
  • The warranty certificate must be present.

Although there are hundreds of implant brands today , you can find the best preferred implant brands in the rest of our article.

Brands We Use

Swedish Brand Implant  :  Nobel Biocare 
Swiss Brand Implant  :  ITI 
America Brand Implant  : Biomet3i
Swedish Brand Implant:  Astra Tech
Korean Brand Implant  :  Osstem
How long does the treatment take?
After x-ray, our specialist doctor examines your jaw structure and we plan your treatment accordingly. If your jaw bone is suitable for implant treatment, your Implant application is performed in 1 Day and temporary prostheses are applied to the implants. Since the implants adapt to your jaw bone within a period of 1-3 months, the coatings are applied after they are adapted.
Our patients prefer Zirconium Coating , which is the closest to the true tooth color in coating .
Implant Prices in Full Toothless Patients
If your jaw bone is suitable for implant treatment, prices vary according to the implant brand you choose. Therefore , you can get information from us on WhatsApp .
Implants in edentulous patients in Turkey
find services for dental implants in Turkey should be easy for you. At Medikal Dent, we are always at your disposal. Always consult a dentist to make dental implants in Turkey and then to remember that you can change your mind. Feel free to follow your beliefs about dental implants and don’t let experts choose a solution you don’t want. You can at least have a second opinion.
However, if you support the latest trend of dental tourism, the process is only a few steps longer. The optimum individual treatment plan you made with dental implants in Turkey, will be ready only after sending us all the details and a panoramic 3D scanning film or related. The placement of dental implants to organize your trip to Turkey and the country’s capital until the end we will endeavor to stay in Istanbul. Do not hesitate that you will get the best conditions for a pleasant flight and accommodation!
For Appointment and Information , you can create an appointment with us via WhatsApp, Phone, live support via our site.

From Birmingham To Come To Turkey Implant Treatment

From Birmingham to come to Turkey Implant Treatment ;

Birmingham ’s Dental implants because it is too high compared to the cost of the UK and from other countries to Turkey, comes from a very patient with dental treatment and vacation planning.The first reason is that even if the cost of the enhanced status in Turkey according to many world countries on oral and dental health and the lack of specialist physicians in the field is preferable.

With the Implant Dental Treatment Appointment Facility from Birmingham, you can get your jaw x-ray to us by WhatsApp, E-mail or mail, and get treatment planning and cost information. You can contact us on WhatsApp for immediate information. Whatapp

No more dentures!
Full Jaw Restoration with Dental Implants and Bridges

Cheap Dental Treatment in Turkey

Since it is very suitable for our country’s citizens living abroad and abroad, it finds an opportunity to make a holiday and health trip together. You can also contact us on our WhatsApp number to get information according to your needs and get a price.

Dental Implant Treatment Process

A dental implant is a titanium screw that replaces a tooth root. It is screwed into the bone under the gum. After the implant integrates with the patient’s bone, the abutment is screwed onto the implant and the crown is screwed onto the abutment. In addition to crowns, implants can also be used to support fixed bridges, fixed dentures, or removable dentures (known as excess dentures).

Dental implants involve the following steps, although differences may occur depending on complexity.

1. Advice and information with the implant coordinator

Discuss your needs over the phone with an implant coordinator for advice and information about dental implant treatments and costs. Otherwise, meet face to face; See our facilities and discuss and get treatment options. After this invaluable introduction to dental implants, patients have a better idea of possible solutions and costs. This is only general guidance and does not replace the need for a clinical assessment.

Similar cost comparison

If you have an implant consultation and have provided a treatment plan, email us a copy and we will provide a ‘cost comparison for tastes’.

2. Dental Implant Clinical Evaluation

Oral health is evaluated in the dental implant clinical evaluation with the implant dentist. If the patient is a good candidate for implants, a dental cone beam CT (CBCT) scan is performed to assess the quality and amount of bone.

Following the consultation, a short meeting with an implant coordinator will set out the treatment costs and the appropriate times to book on your first appointment / appointments.

A cover letter from the implant dentist follows an official detailed treatment plan that includes your treatment options and costs, scheduling, warranty, risks, and post-care information.

3. Surgical Stage Dental Implant Placement

Using 3D dental bone-ray CT (CBCT) Scan images to guide the placement and determine the type of implant to be used, a titanium implant is carefully screwed into the bone under the gum and stitched using soluble sutures. Sometimes a healing cap is placed immediately, which reduces the need to do this during the restoration phase.

If deemed necessary, this stage can be continued with the removal of failed teeth and / or bone restoration where there is no bone.

4. Dental Implant Integration

Integration is the time required to safely and securely restore crowns, bridges or dentures to dental implants.

During this time, the dental implant integrates with the patient’s bone – this is called “osseointegration” and may take 1 to 3 months depending on the patient’s treatment plan.

5. Restoration

Restoration is the stage where the crown, bridge or prosthesis is created and placed on the dental implants.

This stage takes 2 to 6 appointments (depending on complexity), about two weeks between them, and includes:

To reveal a dental implant and place a healing abutment. Sometimes, this procedure is done simultaneously with implant placement.
Matching final impressions and colors against adjacent teeth
Bite registration – ensuring that the occlusion (bite) is comfortable. Not required for all occasions.
Try it – try on the new crown, bridge, or denture – then send any settings back to the lab. Not required for all occasions.
Final fit – placing the abutment and crown, bridge or denture.

6. After maintenance

Your implant treatment plan does not end when crowns are placed.

To maintain oral health and prolong the life of your implants, it is imperative to follow an improved hygiene regimen.

This means an improved home hygiene regimen by following the prescribed techniques, visiting a hygiene therapist at least every 6 months at home and evaluating implants, gums and hygiene levels annually.

Birmingham Implant Dental Prices

To get the Implant Brand and Prices updated information, our consultant who will help you by communicating via WhatsApp will inform you.

Birmingham to come to Turkey

Appointment and Inspection Made Easy

To get an appointment or get detailed information, you can get information directly from WhatsApp and create your dental holiday planning.