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What is sedation

What is Sedation?

What is sedation? The simplest answer to your question is; We can say that it is making the patient half asleep during dental treatments applied to people with dental phobia. The sedation procedure is an anesthesia application developed to eliminate the pain, anxiety and fear that the patient may feel during some treatments and procedures.

Sedation has become more common in recent years. Especially small children who need more than one dental treatment are afraid of treatment or make sudden movements, which complicates the treatment. Therefore, the sedation procedure is a procedure that can facilitate the situation for both the patient and the dentist. What is sedation that we are very curious about in this article? Who can be sedated? We answered questions such as:

What is Sedation Anesthesia?

Sedation is a method of sleeping that is applied to prevent the pain and aches that the patient may feel during dental treatments, and to finish multiple treatments in a single session for severe dental phobia. Sedation, which is basically an anesthesia method, helps the patient to complete the treatment process in a more comfortable way. Sedation is applied with local anesthesia and the patient sleeps in a controlled manner and does not feel any pain or sound that may occur during the treatment. The patient, who does not remember the treatment process when he wakes up, thus has a more comfortable treatment process both psychologically and physiologically.

The sedation procedure is performed by the general anesthesiologist and the vital functions of the patient are followed throughout the treatment. When the treatment ends and the patient wakes up, he does not remember the pain and sounds he experienced. Sedation, which is mixed with anesthesia due to its characteristics and method of application, is not the same thing as anesthesia. In general anesthesia, the respiratory intubation system is used for the patient to breathe, while in sedation, the patient breathes himself. The sedation process can be applied in two different ways. These; conscious sedation and unconscious (deep) sedation.

Conscious Sedation

What is conscious sedation, which is a type of sedation method? It is one of the interesting topics. The conscious of the patient who underwent conscious sedation is clear throughout the treatment. He is aware of what is going on around him and can hear and understand what the doctor is saying. The patient who is consciously sedated can communicate with the doctor throughout the treatment. In conscious sedation, lighter drugs are given to the patient compared to deep sedation.

In the conscious sedation procedure, although the patient is conscious, he does not feel any pain or pain. Only enough medicine is given to not feel pain and it is ensured that he is conscious. In this respect, the patient, who has a very comfortable treatment process, can return to his daily life after the treatment, but it is recommended to avoid work that requires attention.

Sedation and General Anesthesia

The sedation method has many advantages over general anesthesia. These;

While the patient is unconscious in the anesthesia method, the patient only goes into a deep sleep in sedation.
It is more difficult for the patient to recover after anesthesia than with the sedation method.
The patient who is put to sleep with the sedation method does not feel any weakness and fatigue when he wakes up.
In the sedation method, the patient feels as if he had a short sleep and woke up.


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